Don’t Be Kabir Singh! Tips to Stay Healthy After a Break-Up

A breakup can be one of the most painful things to face. Breakups which are mutual are different than breakups that are one-sided. These can be devastating and heart-breaking. Often we hear people going berserk after their breakups. They find it difficult to control their emotions and find it tough to sail through those times.

A similar emotion and episode was portrayed beautifully in the recent blockbuster movie Kabir Singh. Although the twitteratti went crazy blaming the movie to portray a toxic relationship, there were mixed reviews. But the movie was quintessentially based on the heart-breaking nine months journey of a surgeon, who went through hell after his breakup. The climax took an unexpected beautiful turn, which made all of us believe in the fact that marriages are actually made in heaven, but it did made us ponder over how to go through a breakup in a responsible way.

The movie ended in a classic fairy-tale style ‘love wins’ climax, but sadly, that is not always the case in life. Most of us who have gone through breakups, have not found a happy ending but have learned that time heals the worst wounds.

For all those friends who are currently facing the apparently worst heart-break of their lives, focusing on a healthy life can be the last thing in your mind. You easily turn to alcohol, drugs, smoking, binge eating and many other evils, which take a toll not only on your bodily health but also on your mental health.

Alcohols, drugs, sugary foods might give you momentary pleasures, but end up making you feel worse in a few days. Here we have listed some essential points to keep in mind if you want to stay sober after going through a breakup. If you care for those who care about you, then it is your duty to consider these factors and just wait until this rough tide passes by.

1.  Do not even look at alcohol

Alcohol seems blissful when you are going through a breakup. It makes you forget your pain momentarily and puts you in a happy state of mind. But have you realized what happens when you come off the effect of alcohol? It reminds you of your pain again. To forget it again, you drink again. This way, you get into a loop and easily become an addict. Too much of alcohol has worst side-effects on your liver, thinking capacity and stomach. You also get very irritated and moody. Never seek refuge in alcohol if you are going through a breakup.

2. Say no to drugs

Drugs have a similar effect on your mental state, in fact, a lot more than alcohol. Drugs are more addictive than alcohol. Some drugs like cocaine increase the level of natural chemical messenger dopamine in your brains, which is responsible for control of movement. Large amounts of cocaine in the nervous system disturb their functioning. Although initially, you might feel a surge of happiness and excitement, you soon develop hypersensitivity to light, sound and touch and also become very irritable. Similarly, never resort to smoking if you are going through a breakup. Nicotine momentarily relaxes your brain and so you end up smoking more when you are mentally upset. This can lead to serious complications on your lungs and may even lead to cancer.

3. Do not binge eat

When you are sad, all you want to do is stay locked up in your room and binge watch television. While this pattern is alright for some time to get over your loss, it can be very harmful, if you are also eating sugary and starchy foods while watching TV. Such foods are comfort foods. Once you fall into this pattern, you end up binge eating a lot of sugary and starchy foods and putting on extra pounds. This is a common side effect of a breakup. 

4. Accept the situation and learn to cope

Just because you had a breakup does not mean that your life is over. You need to take charge of your life and accept your situation. Although this is a gradual process, you will eventually forget your pain. You should spend more time in the company of your friends, spend time learning a new hobby and spend more time in your work. The more you distract your mind, the easier it gets to forget your past.

5. Avoid contact with your ex and prioritize your social life

Only new people can fill your void. Get up, get ready and get there where the world is waiting for you. Avoid contact with your ex at all costs as this will only give you more pain. You might have that crazy wish of just talking to your ex for the last time, but that will only make matters worse for you. Instead join clubs, make new friends and go for parties where you can meet interesting people. 

6. Exercise

Choose any form of exercise that you like. Even playing a sport is great because it will help you take out your frustration on something. You will actually feel light and empowered after a game of tennis or badminton. Exercise also releases endorphins in the body, which is a feel good hormone. After a breakup, it is natural that you are engulfed with a feeling of self-worthlessness. Exercising helps you quell such negative thoughts and makes you feel good again.

And it is just a matter of time when you meet someone interesting again! Wait for that opportunity and till then, only focus on yourself and love yourself. To love yourself and your body, you need to eat healthy, exercise, think right and enjoy life. Rest will follow!

Do not follow the footsteps of Kabir Singh when you end up with a breakup in your love life. Believe and have faith that destiny has something better in store for you…

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