How to remove Fibroma at Home?

Almost everybody has fibroma, but hardly anyone talks about it. First of all, let us specify that fibroma is not a dangerous skin growth which commonly appears under the breasts, on the stomach, neck, armpits, the eyelids, and on some other body parts. Fibromas are actually benign tumors of connective tissue. In color they are the same as the skin, but sometimes can be even lighter. They resemble small nodes and in size can be from 1 millimeter to 1 centimeter.

Although they do not show threat to the whole body, they can be rather an aesthetic issue as they can increase in size. Every person has a fibroma, some more and some less, but it is there. They can get bigger, inflamed and even start bleeding. As we age the body is more affected by fibromas they can become bigger and more in number. There is still no solid explanation why fibromas appear, however the most plausible explanation is that fat deposits contribute to their appearance. 

As mentioned before there can be more and less fibroma on the human body, nonetheless most people do not like them and want to remove them. The common solutions for the removal of fibromas by dermatologists are radio surgery, electro coagulation, or laser surgery. In the above cases, it may be necessary to use local anesthesia, especially if they are very large. If there are more fibromas any of the mentioned treatments need to be repeated. In the recovery period meaning immediately after the surgery the person needs to avoid hard physical activities so that it does not perspire as in that way the hesaling will be successful and there will be no complications. In mild cases, instead, one can use DIY non-aggressive methods. In this article, we bring to you a list of home remedies to remove fibroma. Apple Cider Vinegar for Fibroma Removal

This vinegar is considered to be the best and most effective homemade remedy thanks to its acidity. This ingredient is well-known for its various uses, and one of them is the removal of fibromas. But, have in mind not to use apple cider vinegar near your eyes as you can irritate them. 

How to remove Fibromas with Apple Cider Vinegar?

Begin the treatment with Apple Cider Vinegar by starting with washing the area around the fibroma using water and soap, but do it carefully. After that, use a cotton ball soaked in water and apply it onto the fibroma so that it gets properly wet. Next, soak a cotton ball in Apple Cider Vinegar. Leave the Apple Cider Vinegar cotton ball on the fibroma but secure it with a bandage. As a result of the Apple Cider Vinegar effect, the fibroma will get dark, then dry and in the end it will fall out. Whether you will have a scar or not depends on the size of the fibroma. If there is one treat it with aloe Vera gel or English marigold cream. But, if the fibroma was not deep in the skin, there will be no scar. 

Things to note when using Apple Cider Vinegar

Be cautious when using apple cider vinegar due to the following reasons:

  • Make sure for the Apple Cider Vinegar not to spread on the nearby skin of the fibroma in order to avoid skin irritation. 

  • Once the fibroma gets dry, do not use Apple Cider Vinegar anymore. 

  • The fibroma needs to fall out by itself, therefore do not get tempted to remove it manually.

Skin benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar?

People have been using vinegar as a natural remedy for centuries. Its acidic properties are thought to protect against infection, sterilize wounds, and preserve food. More recently, apple cider vinegar has become the vinegar of choice for everything from treating common cold to promoting weight loss. Some people believe that the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar can help to break down the tissue surrounding skin tags, causing them to eventually fall off. 

Other Home remedies

Tea Tree Oil 

According to researchers, tea tree oil is the best treatment for skin tags and warts overall. Rich in antibiotics and antiviral properties that kill pathogens, you are almost guaranteed of clear skin. First, clean the area around fibroma with clean water, and then apply about 1 to 3 drops of tea tree oil on it. Use a cotton swab to rub the skin tag with the oil. Do this at least 3 times a day till the fibroma falls off. Some people may experience skin irritation while applying tea tree oil directly on their skin. So, you can dilute the oil with water, before applying it on the skin. Also tea tree oil is one of the best home remedy for pimples.

Castor Oil and Baking Soda 

Baking soda and castor oil are used by many people for fibroma removal. You can mix both castor oil and baking soda to a fine paste, and then coat the fibroma completely with the paste. Apply the paste 2 to 3 times a day. This simple home remedy can help dry out the fibroma gradually. You can also cover the fibroma with a small bandage after applying the paste, in order to make this remedy more effective. Not just fibroma, baking soda helps in removal of blackheads too.

Onion juice and salt

The sulphur in onions contains a number of antibacterial properties that treat a number of infections. Finely chop an onion and mix it with sea salt preferably and let it stay overnight. Squeeze the juice out and apply it directly on the fibroma. Leave it on and apply a bandage. Repeat for two weeks and the results will be seen.

Pineapple juice

Rich in bromelain, pineapple juice is a strong contender in shrinking and preventing fibroma from spreading. Bromelain is an enzyme extracted from the stem of the pineapple plant and is known to have anti-inflammatory effects as well as antiviral action. Crush few pieces of pineapple chunks and add a few drops of lemon juice and mix. Apply directly on the skin and leave it for a few hours. Repeat the process as often as you can for quick results.

Fibroma is a common problem with a number of underlying causes. Fortunately, many natural remedies can also be effective. The home remedies listed in this article may not work for everyone, but they are definitely worth a try. Although most of these at-home remedies are mild, make sure to test a small area of skin before applying to a large, sensitive area. Everyone is born with beautiful skin and it is up to us to take care of it properly. Hope the article was helpful.