Top 5 Easy Ways to Balance your Chakras

Chakra as the major rage lately with every book store having a few books explaining chakra cleansing or chakra essential oils. These chakras are a part of the ancient Indian science Ayurveda and as the world is getting aware of ancient healing methods, it gets all the more important to understand these chakras in depth.

What are Chakras?

Balance your chakra

The word ‘chakra’ in Sanskrit means ‘wheel’. According to this ancient wisdom, our energy flows through the chakras in two ways. As it spins clockwise, it moves the energies out of the body. A counter clockwise movement pulls the energies in from outside into the body. These do not have a physical form but they interact with our physical body through their vehicles – nervous system and the endocrine system. Just like blood vessels are important for the circulatory system, nadis – little paths of energies running through the body are important for the body. The chakras are the little places where different nadis meet. 

How does the Chakra System work?

There are seven major chakras in the human body. All these chakras lie along with spine near the main Susumna Nadi. Each chakra is associated with different psychological and physical characteristics. 

Sometimes, these wheels of energies get stuck and cause blockages. These blocks occur due to wrong dietary choices, stress and lack of exercise. Mental illnesses like depression also have a huge impact on our chakras. It is therefore necessary to balance your chakras.

Which are the Chakras in the body?

There are 7 chakras in 7 different points in the body. Each chakra is associated with a different set of organs and systems.

  • Svadisthana, the Sacral Chakra
  • Anahata, the Heart Chakra
  • Ajna, the Third Eye Chakra
  • Muladhara, the Root Chakra
  • Manipura, the Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Vishuddi, the Throat Chakra
  • Sahasrara, the Crown Chakra

What is Chakra Balancing?

The chakras all work together as a single system. The others compensate when either one of the chakras gets blocked. This causes an imbalance in the entire system. By chakra balancing, you restore an even flow of energy through the chakra system. This can be done in different ways. 

Benefits of Chakra Balancing

On balancing the flow of energy through the chakras, you can assure that your system is working in harmony. The more freely energy is able to flow through our body, the better we can move through our day. Our body, mind and spirits will be more in sync with each other. 

5 Easy Ways to Balance Your Chakras

There are some easy ways to balance your chakras in the right way:


This is one of the most effective way to balance the chakras. Each chakra is associated with a ‘beej mantra’ or a ‘seed sound’ and a color. These together can help you get inside deeper into your meditation and make it more impactful. Focus on removing any emotional blockages by visualizing them going away from your life. This practice will make you feel free from those attachments. 

chakra balancing


Yoga is highly effective in balancing the chakras. As meditation helps you visualize and focus on eliminating an emotional blockage dissolving in your life, yoga will help you gain flexibility, strength, stamina and mobility in your joints and muscles. As you perform the postures, visualize the colors associated with the chakra you are focusing on. The postures will remove the stiffness and tension from your physical body. As your body opens up, the energy can flow freely. With an uninterrupted flow of energy, your chakras can get balanced. There are different yoga asanas for each chakra which help to balance it. 

Yoga for chakra balancing


Pranayama is a breathing technique that not only helps to relax the body but also allows flow of energy through the body. The best pranayama for balancing your chakra is Nadi Shodhana, or the alternate nostril breathing. In this technique, you need to block one nostril and then take deep breaths in and out from just one open nostril. Repeat the technique from both the nostrils for the same number of breaths. It will balance the nadis and also unite the left and right hemispheres of the brain, thereby easing anxiety and stress. 

balancing your chakra is Nadi Shodhana


Crystals hold a special energy and also help you connect with various parts of your consciousness. There is a different crystal associated with each chakra and it provides one with the best benefits. You need to choose the crystal that associates with the chakra you are focusing on. For a total chakra balancing, you can take one of each too. These crystals have to be kept near you while you meditate so that the energy of the crystal is enhanced. Here is a list of all the chakras and the crystals associated with them:

Chakra crystals

  • Root chakra: hematite, garnet, obsidian
  • Sacral chakra: carnelian, amber, topaz
  • Solar plexus chakra: citrine, jasper, tiger’s eye
  • Heart chakra: rose quartz, amazonite, malachite
  • Throat chakra: turquoise, aquamarine
  • Third eye chakra: amethyst, lapis lazuli
  • Crown chakra: clear quartz, moonstone 

Essential Oils

Essential oils have a deep impact on regulating our chakras. Aromatherapy can be used for different types of ailments. The oils used for aromatherapy are derived from various plants. These are very beneficial for chakra balancing. Just as different crystals correspond to different chakras, similarly, different oils correspond to different chakras too. These oils can be used by topical application or by breathing them in. You need to dilute the oils with another carrier oil such as olive oil or coconut oil as they are very potent and can cause irritation on the skin.

oils to regulate our chakras

Mentioned above are the 5 easy ways to balance your chakras. These are easy because we want you to follow them in your daily lives. You must make it a routine to practice yoga, meditation and pranayama every morning before starting your day. Placing crystals by you before meditating enhances their energies. Using essential oils can help relax the chakra and balance them.

For more interesting articles on mind and body, keep reading Indian Fitness Mantra.