Top 5 Yoga Exercises for Mindfulness

We are all aware of the innumerable benefits of yoga today. Performing yoga regularly not only strengthens your body and regulates your organ functioning, but it also improves mental health. As you perform yoga repeatedly, the blood flow increases and this allows more oxygen to reach various body cells, thereby enhancing their function.

Yoga is a unique ancient wellness science, which combines physical poses with controlled breathing and meditation. These poses help you get stronger mentally so that you are able to face the challenges, fears and frustrations of daily life.

There are some exercises in yoga which are essentially beneficial for the mind. These exercises help you stay focused, calm and alert. Yoga also helps to increase the gray matter in the brain. They increase the overall brain wave activity and cognition.

Asanas like plow pose, bridge pose, inversions like the shoulder pose and big toe pose help to increase blood circulation and oxygen flow. Asanas like the lotus pose help to de-stress and relax. These exercises are explained below:

Tadasana or the Mountain Pose

This is a simple standing pose which helps you focus on your breathing. It also alleviates headaches and insomnia. Tadasana helps you sleep better and keep your brain more alert. 

You need to stand with your feet together and arm by your sides with your fingers pointing down towards the ground. Your pelvis should be neutral. Next, broaden your collarbone and roll the shoulders back. Breathe in and out gently.  

Sarvangasana or the Shoulder Stand

This is an inversion asana which helps you nourish your brain by improving the blood flow to the pineal glands and hypothalamus. The improved blood flow, in turn, boosts cognitive functions. 

To perform this pose, you need to lie down on your back and slowly lift your legs up into the air, extending them towards the ceiling. Rest your elbows on the floor, while keeping the hands beneath the hips. Breathe in as you slowly raise the pelvis and then your trunk off the ground. Continue until your chin touches your chest. Hold on to this position and try to hold your breath for a few seconds. Then breathe out slowly while lowering your torso back to the ground.

Paschimotanasana or Seated Forward Bend

This is a really good asana which revives your nervous system, calms your mind and also boosts the blood supply in your brain. 

Begin this asana by sitting on the ground on a yoga mat in order to support your hips. Now extend your legs. Put pressure on each buttock turn by turn, while pulling away from the other sitting bone. Press your palms and fingertips onto the floor and raise your sternum towards the ceiling. Inhale as you lean forward from the hip and extend your arms fully. Do not lean from your waist. You will feel your tailbone lengthen. Next, ease into the forward bend and lengthen your torso while keeping your head raised. Now your elbows should bend out to the sides and lift up off the floor. In this pose, you will feel your lower belly touch your thighs and then your upper belly, followed by your ribs. Next, touch your head to your thighs last. Let the front torso rise and lengthen each time you inhale and while you exhale, release a little more into the forward bend. Repeat this for 2 to 3 minutes. 

Padmasana or Lotus Pose

This yoga asana is a beautiful representation of the lotus flower. The lotus symbolizes fearlessness and perseverance. This pose looks quite simple but in reality requires a lot of patience and practice. This pose is generally used for meditation. One gets physical and mental satisfaction in this pose. Padmasana relaxed the mind and also calms the brain.

Begin this pose by sitting on the floor with your spine elongated and erect. Keep your legs stretched out. Slowly bend your right knee and use the hands to place your right knee on your left thigh. Your soles should point upward and your heels should be close to your abdomen. Repeat the same with the other leg. Once both your legs are crossed, your feet will be comfortably placed on opposite thighs. Keep your hands in the mudra of your choice and place them on the knees. Keep your head straight and spine erect at all the times. Do not slump. Take deep breaths and hold on to every breath for a few minutes before you release. Repeat the same pose with the other leg on top. 

Padangusthasana or Big Toe Pose

Big Toe Pose or the Padangusthasana is an easy yoga asana. Padangusthasana can be broken down as Pada – foot, Angustha – big toe and Asana – pose. The Big Toe Pose helps in stretching the muscles right from the head to the toe. Padangusthasana helps in keeping the blood pressure under control. It helps in increasing blood circulation in the brain. It balances the body, improves concentration, focus and memory. It cures headache and insomnia and calms the mind. It also helps in rejuvenating aching and tired muscles. 

Stand straight keeping the feel parallel to each other and 6 inches apart. Contract your thigh muscles which will push your knee caps outwards. Now, keeping your legs straight, try and bend forward in order to touch the forehead to the knee. Make sure that your torso and head move together. Try and stretch out as maximum as you can. Next, hold your big toes on each foot with your fingers. If you are not able to grip your toes in this posture, you can use a strap or a band to hook under your toes and hold that until your body becomes more flexible. Now inhale and lift your torso and straighten your elbows.

Wait for a count of 30 seconds and then exhale as you release your torso and bend towards the knees again. Repeat this cycle of inhalation and exhalation for some time, increasing the stretching of the torso every time. Make sure you do not stress on any other part of your body like neck as this will lead to pain later on. Straighten up and come back to the starting position.

Practice these 5 yoga poses regularly for mindfulness. It is advised to practice yoga under the guidance of a trained practitioner for beginners. 

For more wonderful articles on mindfulness and yoga, keep reading Indian Fitness Mantra.